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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have an investment minimum?

LongView has a $500,000 investment minimum. By limiting the number of clients whom we serve, we help ensure that every LongView client receives our full attention.

How do you charge your clients?

LongView is a fee-only advisor. We do not earn commissions, sales fees, kickbacks or any other income from any other source. Our standard fee is 1% on assets up to $2 million. For assets above that level we implement a tiered fee structure as follows:

$0-$2 million  1.00% 
$2-$4 million  0.85% 
$4-$6 million  0.70% 
$6-$8 million 0.55% 
$8-$10 million0.40%
$10 million +Negotiable
Do you charge for financial planning?

No. Many investment advisors charge $200 per hour or more for financial planning. At LongView we view planning as an essential part of our service as your investment advisor. We will work with you to assemble your financial information, investment statements, social security, budget and spending goals. This information will then be used to create a long-term plan incorporating sophisticated computer modeling of different economic and market scenarios. The result is a roadmap that can be used and updated to make decisions for years to come.

Will I have control of my account?

Yes. Your account will be custodied at Charles Schwab at no charge. You will have 24-hour access to your account info via the Schwab website. In hiring LongView, you grant us limited power of attorney to transact on your behalf and to charge our management fees, but you retain ultimate control over your account.

Do I have any form of account insurance?

Yes. Charles Schwab provides SPIC insurance of up to $500,000 on every account. In addition, Schwab holds an insurance policy with Lloyds of London that covers up to an aggregate of $600 million. Clients using Schwab Bank for cash balances are covered by FDIC insurance up to $250,000 per account.

With a sustainable/socially responsible portfolio, should I expect a lower investment return?
  • No. Over time, sustainable investments have proven to be competitive with traditional portfolios. However, there may be periods when sectors that ESG investors tend to underweight (e.g. fossil fuel companies and energy) outperform the broad market. Similarly, there are times when sectors favored by ESG investors (e.g. tech and healthcare) underperform. During these periods, ESG indices may lag the market.
  • From 2007-2020 the MSCI World Socially Responsible Index outperformed its conventional equivalent by over 1% annually.
  • Over 2,200 studies have shown that environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) investing can be superior to conventional investing.1
  • Stocks ranked in the top 20% on ESG factors outperformed stocks ranked in the bottom 20% by 3 percent annually from 1/2007 to 8/2019.2
  • ESG metrics have been one of the best predictors of earnings risk available and have systematically signaled stronger return on equity.3
What kind of investments go into a LongView portfolio?

We invest exclusively in publicly traded mutual funds, ETFs and bonds. We do not invest in private partnerships, direct real estate, private equity or hedge funds.

Why don’t you buy individual stocks?

By investing in mutual funds instead of individual stocks our clients benefit from the diversification, scale, access to information and top-level talent offered by our carefully-screened selection of funds. Mutual funds helps us lower research costs, eliminate “churning” of assets which increase fees, and avoid market timing that can negatively impact performance.

Can I write checks and use a debit card on my Schwab account?

Yes. Schwab provides checking and debit card facilities on standard brokerage accounts.

Do you serve clients outside the southwest?

Yes. We are an SEC registered firm with clients in over a dozen states around the country.

Are you a fiduciary?

Yes. As fiduciaries we are legally obligated to put our clients best interests first.

Have Additional Questions or Concerns?

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