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Points of View

It’s Voting Season for Investors Thumbnail

It’s Voting Season for Investors

Proxy season is the time of year when companies hold meetings to elect new board members, approve executive pay, and address the concerns of shareholders. For investors who care about the social and environmental impacts of their investments, this is an opportunity to influence company behavior for the better.

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Reflections on 2022 Thumbnail

Reflections on 2022

As we move into what is already a very eventful new year, we wanted to take a moment to look back and reflect on the positive things that happened for LongView in 2022.

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Financial Empowerment Series: Webinar #1 Thumbnail

Financial Empowerment Series: Webinar #1

Last week personal finance coach Bridget Jones shared her insights on the topic as the guest host for the first webinar in LongView's 2023 series on financial empowerment. Last week's webinar, "Cultivating a Positive Money Mindset - Moving From Fear to Freedom," was all about how to overcome our limiting beliefs and identify inherited family patterns around how we approach money issues.

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