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Points of View

2021 Fourth Quarter Outlook and Review Thumbnail

2021 Fourth Quarter Outlook and Review

For a year that began with the storming of the US Capitol and a worsening supply chain crisis, then proceeded through a series of devastating natural disasters, and ended with soaring inflation and a dramatic surge in COVID cases, 2021 was remarkably generous to investors.

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The LongView: 2021 Third Quarter Review and Outlook Thumbnail

The LongView: 2021 Third Quarter Review and Outlook

After many months of back-to-back gains, global stock markets faltered in September and ended the third quarter on a slightly down note, marking a pause in the remarkable rally since the COVID lows 18 months ago. The lull may be ascribed generally to the pandemic. Renewed lockdowns caused by the Delta variant this summer forced factories in many countries to keep workers home and cut back production, even as demand for goods swelled. Meanwhile, shortages of raw materials and labor tangled supply chains, throwing global trade into disarray and exposing the vulnerability of just-in- time inventory management.

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The LongView: 2021 Second Quarter Review and Outlook Thumbnail

The LongView: 2021 Second Quarter Review and Outlook

The global economy is experiencing one of the strongest synchronized expansions since the 1980’s as vaccination campaigns reach a growing percentage of the population, governments ease COVID mobility restrictions, and demand for goods and services surges. This has been especially true in the US, which posted an annualized growth rate of 6.4% in the first quarter.

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The LongView: 2021 First Quarter Review & Outlook Thumbnail

The LongView: 2021 First Quarter Review & Outlook

The first quarter of 2021 was marked by a sea change in financial markets around the world. Equities continued to power higher on the back of a recovering global economy, and the MSCI All-Country World Index gained +4.57%. Conversely, improving growth expectations contributed to a significant increase in interest rates, pushing the broad bond market down by over 3%.

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The LongView: 2020 4th Quarter Review and Outlook Thumbnail

The LongView: 2020 4th Quarter Review and Outlook

2020 was a year of loss, upheaval, and adaptation with few parallels in recent history. For investors, it was a year of radical uncertainty and extreme volatility, including the steepest market decline and the swiftest recovery ever, a global economic shutdown, and monetary and fiscal stimulus programs that dwarfed all precedents. In the US, we lost 22 million jobs and regained 12 million, impeached one president, elected his successor, and marched by the millions to protest racism and police violence.

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2019 First Quarter Review and Outlook Thumbnail

2019 First Quarter Review and Outlook

Financial markets rallied sharply in the first quarter of 2019, despite signs of slowing global growth. Investors responded positively to signals from the US Federal Reserve Bank that the incremental rate hikes of the past several years may be coming to an end, and that going forward monetary policy is likely to be more neutral, and therefore supportive of markets and the economy.

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